Frequently Asked Questions

  • What is Sapmi?
    Sápmi is the name the Sámi peoples use to describe the area which is their traditional land.
    Sápmi is across four countries – Norway, Sweden, Finland and the Kola Peninsula in Russia. In Sweden, Sápmi includes at least the northern half of the country. Sápmi is a land without national borders, but within Sápmi there is a common language, history and culture. The reindeer are intertwined with the people and nature, and the roots of Sámi culture go back a long way.
  • What clothing do I need to bring?
    This depends a little on the activity and the weather on the day. Remember it can be anything from a small plus degrees to minus 30 degrees celsius during our winter. You are welcome to wear your winter clothes if it is mild but our lodges and most activity providers will have winter overalls, boots and a hat to keep you warm. You should have two or three under layers of clothing with you included perhaps long johns and then a layer of fleecy material and then your warm outer clothes. Winter overalls will go over the top of all these.

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